Scientist, INRAE


Scientist in ResPom and BIDEFI teams

  • Contact

Phone: +(33) 241 22 56 87

IRHS - INRAE - Bâtiment B
42, rue Georges Morel - BP 60057
49071 BEAUCOUZE Cedex 01 - FRANCE

  • Skills and expertises

Molecular biology, epigenomics, functional genomics, bioinformatics

  • Project

Small secreted peptides involved in biotic stress responses

Since my arrival within BIDEFI and ResPom teams in January 2025, I conduct research about small secreted peptides (SSP) playing a role in plant immunity and particularly in apple tree. Those SSP are part of the complex mechanisms set up by plants in response to infection by pathogens or to stimuli from the environment. The aim of my project is to identify candidate SSP-encoding genes in apple tree genome and to further screen the effect of those peptides to assay their potential role in defence against 2 main pathogens: Venturia inaequalis causing apple scab or Erwinia amylovora responsible for the fire blight. Small secreted peptides could eventually be used as alternative to currently deployed phytosanitary products currently deployed within orchards.