CRB Carottes et autres Apiacées légumières
CRB Carrots and other Apiaceae vegetables

CRB Carrots and other Apiaceae vegetables

This Biological Resource Centre essentially brings together collections of 2 species: carrot and tuberous chervil.

The CRB brings together collections of 2 species:

  1. carrots, with 447 heritage accessions and 2,284 4 scientific accessions;
  2. tuberous chervil, with 23 heritage accessions and 683 scientific accessions.

The CRB supports research projects on genetic diversity and the study of traits of agronomic or nutritional interest.

  • Associated networks: the BRC coordinates the national ‘Carrot and other Daucus’ genetic resources network, and is part of the national (Inra-Cirad) plant BRC working group and the ECPGR (European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources) Umbelliferae network.
  • Certification: IBiSA
  • Location: the CRB is based in Angers and managed by the QuaRVeg team of UMR IRHS.