
Publications & COV

For the recent list of publications (and pdf) from the team, see our HAL IRHS-EmerSys page


  • Mercier F, Couasnet G, El Ghaziri A, Bouhlel N, Sarniguet A, Marchi M, Barret M, Rousseau D. (2025) Deep-learning-ready RGB-depth images of seedling development. Plant Methods. 21(1):16. doi: 10.1186/s13007-025-01334-3.


  • Gihaut, C., Brin, C., Briand, M., Verdier, J., Barret, M., Roitsch, T., & Boureau, T. (2024). Transcriptomic dataset of Phaseolus vulgaris leaves in response to the inoculation of pathogenic Xanthomonas citri pv. fuscans and its type III secretion system-defective mutant hrcV. Data in Brief, 57, 110938.
  • Mercier F, Couasnet G, El Ghaziri A, Bouhlel N, Sarniguet A, Marchi M, Barret M, Rousseau D. (2025) Deep-learning-ready RGB-depth images of seedling development. Plant Methods. 21(1):16. doi: 10.1186/s13007-025-01334-3.
  • Cesbron, S., Briand, M., Dittmer, J., Bousset-Vaslin, L., Jacques, M. A., & Sarniguet, A. (2024). First Report of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris Causing Black Rot on Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus) in France. Plant Disease, 108(3), 784.
  • Monnens TQ, B Roux, S Cunnac, E Charbit, S Carrère, E Lauber, M-F Jardinaud, A Darrasse, M Arlat, B Szurek, O Pruvost, M-A Jacques, L Gagnevin, R Koebnik, LD. Noël, A Boulanger. (2024). Comparative transcriptomics reveals a highly polymorphic Xanthomonas HrpG virulence regulon. BMC genomics25(1), 777.
  • Arnault, G., Marais, C., Préveaux, A., Briand, M., Poisson, A. S., Sarniguet, A., Barret, M., & Simonin, M. (2024). Seedling microbiota engineering using bacterial synthetic community inoculation on seeds. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 100(4), fiae027.
  • Joubert, O., Arnault, G., Barret, M., & Simonin, M. (2024). Sowing success: ecological insights into seedling microbial colonisation for robust plant microbiota engineering. Trends in Plant Science.
  • Mehlferber, E. C., Arnault, G., Joshi, B., Partida-Martinez, L. P., Patras, K. A., Simonin, M., & Koskella, B. (2024). A cross-systems primer for synthetic microbial communities. Nature Microbiology9(11), 2765-2773.
  • Haghverdi, M., Taghavi, S. M., Zarei, S., Mafakheri, H., Abachi, H., Briand, M., ... & Osdaghi, E. (2024). Pink-pigmented variant of Clavibacter michiganensis expands phenotypic range of tomato bacterial canker pathogen. Phytopathology.
  • Sulesky-Grieb, A., Simonin, M., Bintarti, A. F., Marolleau, B., Barret, M., & Shade, A. (2024). Stable, multigenerational transmission of the bean seed microbiome despite abiotic stress. Msystems, 9(11), e00951-24.
  • Lacault, C., Briand, M., Jacques, M. A., & Darrasse, A. (2024). Development of tools to detect and identify strains belonging to the Pseudomonas syringae species complex responsible for vein clearing of zucchini. PhytoFrontiers™4(4), 616-633.
  • Darrasse, A., Tarkowski, Ł. P., Briand, M., Lalanne, D., Chen, N. W., Barret, M., & Verdier, J. (2024). A stage‐dependent seed defense response to explain efficient seed transmission of Xanthomonas citri pv. fuscans to common bean. Plant, Cell & Environment.
  • Osdaghi, E., Taghavi, S. M., Hamidizade, M., Kariminejhad, M., Fazliarab, A., Maleki, H. H., ... & Portier, P. (2024). Multiphasic investigations imply transfer of orange-/red-pigmented strains of the bean pathogen Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens to a new species as C. aurantiacum sp. nov., elevation of the poinsettia pathogen C. flaccumfaciens pv. poinsettiae to the species level as C. Poinsettiae sp. nov., and synonymy of C. albidum with C. citreum. Systematic and Applied microbiology, 47(2-3), 126489.
  • Cantarel, A. A., Signoret, A., Gervaix, J., Beligon, C., Béraud, C., Boisselet, C., ... Marais, C.,  Simonin, M., & Piola, F. (2024). Biological inhibition of denitrification (BDI): an early plant strategy for Fallopia× bohemica seedling development. Annals of Botany, 133(4), 533-546.
  • Chouaia, B., & Dittmer, J. (2024). A 2000-Year-Old Bacillus stercoris Strain Sheds Light on the Evolution of Cyclic Antimicrobial Lipopeptide Synthesis. Microorganisms12(2), 338.
  • Koebnik, R., Cesbron, S., Chen, N. W., Saux, F. L., Hutin, M., Jacques, M. A., ... & Szurek, B. (2024). Celebrating the 20 th anniversary of the first Xanthomonas genome sequences–how genomics revolutionized taxonomy, provided insight into the emergence of pathogenic bacteria, enabled new fundamental discoveries and helped developing novel control measures–a perspective from the French network on Xanthomonads. Peer Community Journal, 4.
  • Hamidizade, M., Taghavi, S. M., Soleimani, A., Bouazar, M., Abachi, H., Portier, P., & Osdaghi, E. (2024). Wild mushrooms as potential reservoirs of plant pathogenic bacteria: a case study on Burkholderia gladioli. Microbiology Spectrum, 12(4), e03395-23.
  • Ferrari, M. L., Chesneau, O., Clermont, D., Rahi, P., Mistou, M. Y., Portier, P., & Betsou, F. (2024). Clarification on the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in France for the access and sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of microbial genetic resources. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 74(3).
  • Briand, M., Boccarossa, A., Rieux, A., Jacques, M. A., Ganlanon, L., Johnson, C., ... & Marion, E. (2024). Emergence and spread of Mycobacterium ulcerans at different geographic scales. Microbiology Spectrum12(4), e03827-23.
  • Pena, M. M., Bhandari, R., Bowers, R. M., Weis, K., Newberry, E., Wagner, N., ... & Potnis, N. (2024). Genetic and functional diversity help explain pathogenic, weakly pathogenic, and commensal lifestyles in the genus Xanthomonas. Genome Biology and Evolution, 16(4), evae074.
  • Sadhukhan, S., Jacques, M. A., & Potnis, N. (2024). Influence of co-occurring weakly pathogenic bacterial species on bacterial spot disease dynamics on tomato. Plant Disease108(1), 190-199.
  • Soubeyrand, S., Estoup, A., Cruaud, A., Malembic-Maher, S., Meynard, C., Ravigné, V., ... & Morris, C. E. (2024). Building integrated plant health surveillance: a proactive research agenda for anticipating and mitigating disease and pest emergence. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience5(1), 72.


  • Garin, T., Brin, C., Préveaux, A., Brault, A., Briand, M., Simonin, M., Barret, M., Journet, L., & Sarniguet, A. (2023). The Type VI secretion system of Stenotrophomonas rhizophila CFBP13503 limits the transmission of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris 8004 from radish seeds to seedlings. Molecular Plant Pathology, In press.
  • Bergemann, C. M., Avellan, A., Perrotta, B. G., Bernhardt, E. S., & Simonin, M. (2023). Seasonal Differences and Grazing Pressure Alter the Fate of Gold Nanoparticles in a Microcosm Experiment. Environmental Science & Technology57(37), 13970-13979.
  • De Laender, F., Carpentier, C., Carletti, T., Song, C., Rumschlag, S. L., Mahon, M. B., Simonin, M., Meszena, G & Barabás, G. (2023). Mean species responses predict effects of environmental change on coexistence. Ecology Letters
  • Perrotta, B. G., Simonin, M., Colman, B. P., Anderson, S. M., Baruch, E., Castellon, B. T., ... & King, R. S. (2023). Chronic Engineered Nanoparticle Additions Alter Insect Emergence and Result in Metal Flux from Aquatic Ecosystems into Riparian Food Webs. Environmental Science & Technology
  • Rumschlag, S. L., Mahon, M. B., Jones, D. K., Battaglin, W., Behrens, J., Bernhardt, E. S., ... & Rohr, J. R. (2023). Density declines, richness increases, and composition shifts in stream macroinvertebrates. Science Advances9(18), eadf4896.DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adf4896
  • Simonin, M., Préveaux, A., Marais, C., Garin, T., Arnault, G., Sarniguet, A., & Barret, M. (2023). Transmission of synthetic seed bacterial communities to radish seedlings: impact on microbiota assembly and plant phenotype. Peer Community Journal3. 10.24072/pcjournal.329
  • Gijsegem, F. V., Portier, P., Taghouti, G., & Pédron, J. (2023). Clonality and Diversity in the Soft Rot Dickeya solani Phytopathogen. International Journal of Molecular Sciences24(24), 17553. doi:10.3390/ijms242417553 
  • Abachi, H., Moallem, M., Taghavi, S. M., Hamidizade, M., Soleimani, A., Fazliarab, A., ... & Osdaghi, E. (2023). Garlic Bulb Decay and Soft Rot Caused by the Cross-Kingdom Pathogen Burkholderia gladioli. Plant Disease, In Press
  • Osdaghi, E., Taghavi, S. M., Hamidizade, M., Fazliarab, A., Hajian Maleki, H., Li, X., ... & Portier, P. (2023). Clavibacter lycopersici sp. nov.: a peach-colored actinobacterium isolated from symptomless tomato plant. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology73(9), 006022.
  • Corretto, E., Trenti, M., Štarhová Serbina, L., Howie, J. M., Dittmer, J., Kerschbamer, C., ... & Schuler, H. (2023). Multiple factors driving the acquisition efficiency of apple proliferation phytoplasma in Cacopsylla melanoneura. Journal of Pest Science, 1-16. 10.1007/s10340-023-01699-1
  • Štarhová Serbina, L., Corretto, E., Enciso Garcia, J. S., Berta, M., Giovanelli, T., Dittmer, J., & Schuler, H. (2023). Seasonal wild dance of dual endosymbionts in the pear psyllid Cacopsylla pyricola (Hemiptera: Psylloidea). Scientific Reports13(1), 16038.
  • Dittmer, J., Bredon, M., Moumen, B., Raimond, M., Grève, P., & Bouchon, D. (2023). The terrestrial isopod symbiont ‘Candidatus Hepatincola porcellionum’is a potential nutrient scavenger related to Holosporales symbionts of protists. ISME communications3(1), 18.
  • Peduzzi, C., Sagia, A., Burokiene, D., Nagy, I. K., Fischer-Le Saux, M., Portier, P., ... & Koebnik, R. (2023). Complete genome sequencing of three clade-1 xanthomonads reveals genetic determinants for a lateral flagellin and the biosynthesis of coronatine-like molecules in Xanthomonas. Phytopathology,
  • Alvandi, H., Taghavi, S. M., Khojasteh, M., Rahimi, T., Dutrieux, C., Taghouti, G., Jacques, MA., Portier, P., & Osdaghi, E. (2023). Pathovar-Specific PCR Method for Detection and Identification of Xanthomonas translucens pv. undulosa. Plant Disease,


  • Cesbron, S., Dupas, E., & Jacques, M. A. (2022). Evaluation of the AmplifyRP® XRT+ kit for the detection of Xylella fastidiosa by Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA). PhytoFrontiers,
  • Alegria Terrazas, R., Robertson-Albertyn, S., Corral, A. M., Escudero-Martinez, C., Kapadia, R., Balbirnie-Cumming, K., Barret, M., Torres-Cortes, G., ... & Bulgarelli, D. (2022). Defining Composition and Function of the Rhizosphere Microbiota of Barley Genotypes Exposed to Growth-Limiting Nitrogen Supplies. Msystems, 7(6), e00934-22.
  • Chesneau, G., Laroche, B., Préveaux, A., Marais, C., Briand, M., Marolleau, B., Simonin, M., & Barret, M. (2022). Single seed microbiota: assembly and transmission from parent plant to seedling. Mbio, 13(6), e01648-22.
  • Portier, P., Taghouti, G., Bertrand, P. E., Briand, M., Dutrieux, C., Lathus, A., & Fischer-Le Saux, M. (2022). Analysis of the Diversity of Xylophilus ampelinus Strains Held in CIRM-CFBP Reveals a Strongly Homogenous Species. Microorganisms, 10(8), 1531.
  • Velasco-Amo, M. P., Arias-Giraldo, L. F., Olivares-García, C., Denancé, N., Jacques, M. A., & Landa, B. B. (2022). Use of traC Gene to Type the Incidence and Distribution of pXFAS_5235 Plasmid-Bearing Strains of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa ST1 in Spain. Plants, 11(12), 1562.
  • Mafakheri, H., Taghavi, S. M., Zarei, S., Portier, P., Dimkić, I., Koebnik, R., ... & Osdaghi, E. (2022). Xanthomonas bonasiae sp. nov. and Xanthomonas youngii sp. nov., isolated from crown gall tissues. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 72(6), 005418.
  • Simonin, M., Briand, M., Chesneau, G., Rochefort, A., Marais, C., Sarniguet, A., & Barret, M. (2022). Seed microbiota revealed by a large‐scale meta‐analysis including 50 plant species. New Phytologist, 234(4), 1448-1463.
  • Rocca, J. D., Yammine, A., Simonin, M., & Gibert, J. P. (2022). Protist Predation Influences the Temperature Response of Bacterial Communities. Frontiers in microbiology, 13.
  • Masson, A. S., Vermeire, M. L., Leng, V., Simonin, M., Tivet, F., Thi, H. N., ... & Bellafiore, S. (2022). Enrichment in biodiversity and maturation of the soil food web under conservation agriculture is associated with suppression of rice-parasitic nematodes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 331, 107913.
  • Mofini, M. T., Diedhiou, A. G., Simonin, M., Dondjou, D. T., Pignoly, S., Ndiaye, C., ... & Kane, A. (2022). Cultivated and wild pearl millet display contrasting patterns of abundance and co-occurrence in their root mycobiome. Scientific reports, 12(1), 1-17.
  • Pédron, J., van der Wolf, J. M., Portier, P., Caullireau, E., & Van Gijsegem, F. (2022). The Broad Host Range Plant Pathogen Dickeya dianthicola Shows a High Genetic Diversity. Microorganisms, 10(5), 1024.
  • Broders, K., Aspin, A., Bailey, J., Chapman, T., Portier, P., & Weir, B. S. (2022). Building More Resilient Culture Collections: A Call for Increased Deposits of Plant-Associated Bacteria. Microorganisms, 10(4), 741.
  • Zarei, S., Taghavi, S. M., Rahimi, T., Mafakheri, H., Potnis, N., Koebnik, R., ... & Osdaghi, E. (2022). Taxonomic Refinement of Xanthomonas arboricola. Phytopathology.
  • Mafakheri, H., Taghavi, S. M., Zarei, S., Rahimi, T., Hasannezhad, M. S., Portier, P., ... & Osdaghi, E. (2022). Phenotypic and molecular-phylogenetic analyses reveal distinct features of crown gall-associated Xanthomonas strains. Microbiology spectrum, 10(1), e00577-21.
  • Osdaghi, E., Taghouti, G., Dutrieux, C., Taghavi, S. M., Fazliarab, A., Briand, M., ... & Jacques, M. A. (2022). Whole Genome Resources of 17 Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens Strains Including Pathotypes of C. flaccumfaciens pv. betae, C. flaccumfaciens pv. oortii and C. flaccumfaciens pv. poinsettiae. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions.


  • Fort T, Pauvert C, Zanne AE, Ovaskainen O, Caignard T, Barret M, Compant S, Hampe A, Delzon S, Vacher C. 2021. Maternal effects shape the seed mycobiome in Quercus petraea. New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/NPH.17153
  • Liu, S., S. Decroocq, E. Harte, D. Tricon, A. Chague, G. Balakishiyeva, T. Kostritsyna, T. Turdiev, M. Fischer-Le Saux, S. Dallot, T. Giraud and V. Decroocq. 2021. Genetic diversity and population structure analyses in the Alpine plum (Prunus brigantina Vill.) confirm its affiliation to the Armeniaca section. Tree Genetics & Genomes. 17(1): 2. 10.1007/s11295-020-01484-6
  • Canivet CM, David N, Pailhoriès H, Briand M, Guy CD, Bouchez O, Hunault G, Fizanne L, Lannes A, Oberti F,  Fouchard I, Calès P, Diehl AM, Barret M, Boursier J. 2021. Cross-linkage between bacterial taxonomy and gene functions: a study of metagenome-assembled genomes of Gut Microbiota in adult non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. DOI: 10.1111/apt.16262
  • Chen NWG, Ruh M, Darrasse A, Foucher J, Briand M, Costa J, Studholme DJ, Jacques M-A. 2021. Common bacterial blight of bean: a model of seed transmission and pathological convergence. Molecular Plant Pathology. DOI: 10.1111/mpp.13067
  • Laala S, Cesbron S, Kerkoud M, Valentini F, Bouznad Z, Jacques M-A, Manceau C. 2021. Characterization of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in Algeria. Phytopathologia Mediterranea. doi: 10.36253/phyto-11726
  • Graham EB, Averill C, Bond-Lamberty B, et al. 2021. Toward a generalizable framework of disturbance ecology through crowdsourced science. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
  • Rocca, JD, Muscarella ME, Peralta AL, Izabel-Shen D, Simonin M. 2021. Guided by Microbes: Applying Community Coalescence Principles for Predictive Microbiome Engineering. mSystems.
  • Rochefort A, Simonin M, Marais C, Guillerm-Erckelboudt AY, Barret M, Sarniguet A. 2021. Transmission of Seed and Soil Microbiota to Seedling. mSystems.
  • Foucher J, Ruh M, Briand M, Préveaux A, Barbazange F, Boureau T, Jacques M-A, Chen NWG. 2021. Improving common bacterial blight phenotyping by using rub-inoculation and machine learning: cheaper, better, faster, stronger. Phytopathology.
  • Briand M, Ruh M, Darrasse A, Jacques M-A, Chen NWG. 2021. Complete and Circularized Genome Sequences of 17 Xanthomonas Strains Responsible for Common Bacterial Blight of Bean. Microbiology Resource Announcements. .1128/MRA.00371-21
  • Ruh M, Briand M, Bonneau S, Darrasse A, Jacques M-A, Chen NWG. 2021. Complete and Circularized Genome Sequences of Three Xanthomonas Strains Pathogenic on Soybean and Alfalfa. Microbiology Resource Announcements.
  • Catara V, Cubero J, Pothier J-F, Bosis E, Bragard C, Ðermic E, Holeva MC, Jacques M-A, Petter F, Pruvost O, Robène I, Studholme DJ, Tavares F, Vicente JG, Koebnik R, Costa J. 2021. Trends in Molecular Diagnosis and Diversity Studies for phytosanitary Regulated Xanthomonas. Microorganisms.
  • Clavijo-Coppens F, Ginet N, Cesbron S, Briand M, Jacques M.-A, Ansaldi M. 2021. Novel Virulent Bacteriophages Infecting Mediterranean Isolates of the Plant Pest Xylella fastidiosa and Xanthomonas albilineans. Viruses. 
  • Kałużna M, Fischer-Le Saux M, Pothier JF, Jacques M-A, Obradović A, Tavares F, Stefani E. 2021. Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis and pv. corylina: Brothers or distant relatives? Genetic clues, epidemiology, and insights for disease management. Molecular Plant Pathology.
  • Román-Reyna V, Dupas E, Cesbron S, Marchi G, Campigli S, Hansen MA, Bush E, Prarat M, Shiplett K, Lewis Ivey ML, Pierzynski J, Miller SA, Hand FP, Jacques MA, Jacobs JM. 2021. Metagenomic sequencing for identification of Xylella fastidiosa from leaf samples. mSystems. in press


  • Cohen SP, Luna EK, Lang JM, Ziegle J, Chang C, Leach JE, Fischer-Le Saux M, Portier P, Koebnik R, Jacobs JM. 2020. High-quality genome resource of Xanthomonas hyacinthi generated via long-read sequencing. Plant Dis (2020) DOI: 10.1094/pdis-11-19-2393-a
  • Lacault C, Briand M, Jacques M-A, Darrasse A. 2020. Zucchini vein clearing disease is caused by several lineages within Pseudomonas syringae species complex. Phytopathology (2020) DOI:10.1094/PHYTO-07-19-0266-R
  • Osdaghi E, Rahimi T, Taghavi S.M, Ansari M, Zarei S, Portier P, Briand M, Jacques M-A. 2020.Comparative genomics and phylogenetic analyses suggest several novel species within Clavibacter sp. including non-pathogenic tomato-associated strains. Appl Environ Microbiol 86:e02873-19. DOI: 10.1128/aem.02873-19
  • Prado A, Marolleau B, Vaissière BE, Barret M, Torres-Cortes G. 2020. Insect pollination: an ecological process involved in the assembly of the seed microbiota. Sci Rep 10:3575 DOI :10.1038/s41598-020-60591-5.
  • Gerlin L, Cottret L, Cesbron S, Taghouti G, Jacques M-A, Genin S, Baroukh C. 2020. Genome-scale investigation of the metabolic determinants generating bacterial fastidious growth. mSystems. 5:e00698-19.
  • Méline V, Brin C, Lebreton G, Ledroit L, Sochard D, Hunault G, Boureau T, Belin E. 2020. A computation method based on the combination of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters to improve the discrimination of visually similar phenotypes induced by bacterial virulence factors. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11:213, 10.3389/fpls.2020.00213
  • Tafifet L, Raio A, Holeva MC, Dikhai R, Kouskoussa CO, Cesbron S, Krimi Z. 2020.  Molecular characterization of Algerian Erwinia amylovora strains by VNTR analysis and biocontrol efficacy of Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas brassicacearum antagonists. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 156:867-883.
  • Morinière L, Burlet A, Rosenthal ER, Nesme X, Portier P, Bull CT, Lavire C, Fischer-Le Saux M, Bertolla F.   2020. Clarifying the taxonomy of the causal agent of bacterial leaf spot of lettuce through a polyphasic approach reveals that Xanthomonas cynarae Trébaol 2000 emend. Timilsina et al. 2019 is a later heterotypic synonym of Xanthomonas hortorum Vauterin et al. 1995.     Systematic and Applied Microbiology     43(4): 126087.
  • Cesbron, S., Dupas, E., Beaurepère, Q., Briand, M., Montes-Borrego, M., Velasco-Amo, M. D. P., ... & Jacques, M. A. 2020. Development of A Nested-MultiLocus Sequence Typing Approach for A Highly Sensitive and Specific Identification of Xylella fastidiosa Subspecies Directly from Plant Samples. Agronomy, 10(8), 1099.  10.3390/agronomy10081099
  • Portier P., Pedron J., Taghouti G., Dutrieux C., Barny M-A. 2020. Updated Taxonomy of Pectobacterium Genus in the CIRM-CFBP Bacterial Collection: When Newly Described Species Reveal “Old” Endemic Population. Microorganisms, 8(9): 1441. doi:10.3390/microorganisms8091441
  • Koebnik R., Burokiene D., Bragard C., Chang C., Fischer-Le Saux M., Kölliker R., Lang J., Leach J., Luna E., Portier P., Sagia A., Ziegle J., Cohen S. P., Jacobs J. 2020. The complete genome sequence of Xanthomonas theicola, the causal agent of canker on tea plants, reveals novel secretion systems in clade-1 xanthomonads  Phytopathology . 10.1094/phyto-07-20-0273-sc
  • Desprez-Loustau ML, Balci Y, Cornara D, Gonthier P, Robin C, Jacques MA. 2020. Is Xylella fastidiosa a serious threat to European forests? Forestry, 1–17. doi:10.1093/forestry/cpaa029
  • Chesneau G, G Torres-Cortes, M Briand, A Darrasse, A Preveaux, C Marais, M-A Jacques, A Shade, M Barret. 2020. Temporal dynamics of bacterial communities during seed development and maturation. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 96 :fiaa190. doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiaa190
  • Foucher J, M Ruh, A Préveaux, S Carrère, S Pelletier, M Briand, R-F Serre, M-A Jacques, NWG Chen. 2020. Common bean resistance to Xanthomonas is associated with upregulation of the salicylic acid pathway and downregulation of photosynthesis. BMC Genomics, 21:566. Doi :10.1186/s12864-020-06972-6
  • Kerdraon L, Barret M, Balesdent M-H, Suffert F. 2020. Impact of a resistance gene against a fungal pathogen on the plant host residue microbiome: The case of the Leptosphaeria maculans–Brassica napus pathosystem. Molecular Plant Pathology, 21:1545-1558. DOI: 10.1111/mpp.12994
  • Briand M, Bouzid M, Hunault G, Legeay M, Fischer-Le Saux M, Barret M. 2020. A quick alternative method for resolving bacterial taxonomy using short identical DNA sequences in genomes or metagenomes. Peer Community In Genomics. 10.1101/569640


  • Denancé N, M Briand, R Gaborieau, S Gaillard, M-A Jacques. 2019. Identification of genetic relationships and subspecies signatures in Xylella fastidiosa. BMC Genomics 20:239. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-019-5565-9
  • Dupas E, Briand M, Jacques M-A, Cesbron S. 2019. Novel tetraplex qPCR assays for simultaneous detection and identification of Xylella fastidiosa subspecies in plant tissues. Front Plant Sci 10:1732. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01732
  • Dupas E, Legendre B, Olivier V, Poliakoff F, Manceau C, Cunty A. 2019. Comparison of real-time PCR and droplet digital PCR for the detection of Xylella fastidiosa in plants. J Microbiol Meth 86-95. DOI: 10.1016/j.mimet. 2019. 05.010
  • Ferreira MASV, Bonneau S, Briand M, Cesbron S, Portier P, Darrasse A, Gama MAS, Barbosa MAG, Mariano RdLR, Souza EB and Jacques M-A. 2019. Xanthomonas citri pv. viticola affecting grapevine in Brazil: emergence of a successful monomorphic pathogen. Front Plant Sci 10:489. DOI: 10.3389/fpls. 2019. 00489
  • Gonçalves R. M, Balbi-Peña M. I, Soman J. M, Maringoni A. C, Taghouti G, Fischer-Le Saux M, Portier P. 2019. Genetic diversity of Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens revealed by multilocus sequence analysis. Eur J Plant Pathol 154:189-202. DOI: 10.1007/s10658-018-01648-0
  • Kerdraon L, Balesdent MH, Barret M, Laval V, Suffert F. 2019. Crop residues in wheat-oilseed rape rotation system: a pivotal, shifting platform for microbial meetings. Microb Ecol 77:931-945. DOI: 10.1007/s00248-019-01340-8
  • Kerdraon L, Barret M, Laval V, Suffert F. 2019. Differential dynamics of microbial community networks help identify microorganisms interacting with residue-borne pathogens: the case of Zymoseptoria tritici in wheat. Microbiome.7:125. DOI: 10.1186/s40168-019-0736-0
  • Khenfous-Djebari B, Kerkoud M, Fischer-Le Saux M, Benhassine T, Bouznad Z, Koebnik R, Bragard C 2019. Isolation of atypical wheat-associated xanthomonads in Algeria. Phytopathol Mediter 58: 497-506 . DOI:10.14601/Phyto-10855
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  • Bolot S., Munoz-Bodnar A., Cunnac S., Ortiz  E., Szurek B., Noël L., Arlat M., Jacques M-A., Gagnevin L., Portier P., Fischer-Le Saux M., Carrere S. and Koebnik R. 2013 .Draft Genome Sequence of the Xanthomonas cassavae Type Strain CFBP 4642. Genome Announcements,1(4)
  • Boureau T., Kerkoud M., Chhel F., Hunault G., Darrasse A., Brin C., Durand K., Hajri A., Poussier S, Manceau C., Lardeux F., Saubion F., Jacques M-A. 2013 A multiplex-PCR assay for identification of the quarantine plant pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 92:42-50
  • Dejean G, Blanvillain-Baufumé S., Boulanger A., Darrasse A., Dugé de Bernonville T., Girard A.-L., Carrere S., Jamet S., Zischek C., Lautier M., Solé M., Büttner D., Jacques M.-A., Lauber E. and M. Arlat.  2013 The xylan utilisation system of the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris controls epiphytic life and reveals common features with oligotrophic bacteria and animal gut symbionts. New Phytologist, 198: 899–915
  • Escalon A., Javegny  S., Vernière C., Noël L. D., Vital K., Poussier S, Hajri A, Boureau T, Pruvost O, Arlat M, Gagnevin L 2013 Variations in type III effector repertoires, pathological 1 phenotypes and host range of Xanthomonas citri pv. citri pathotypes. Molecular Plant Pathology, 14(5):483-496
  • Guy E., Genissel A., Hajri A., Chabannes M., David P., Carrere S., Lautier M., Roux B., Boureau T., Arlat M., Poussier S., Noel L. 2013 Natural Genetic Variation of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris Pathogenicity on Arabidopsis Revealed by Association and Reverse Genetics Mbio, 4(3) e00538-12
  • Marchi M., Boutin M., Gazengel K., Rispe C., Gauthier JP., Guillerm-Erckelboudt AY., Lebreton L., Barret M., Daval S. and  Sarniguet A. 2013 .Genomic analysis of the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf29Arp with evidence of T3SS and T6SS gene expression on plant roots. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 5: 393-403
  • Mhedbi-Hajri N., Hajri A, Boureau T., Darrasse A., Durand K., Brin C., Fischer-Lesaux M., Manceau C., Poussier S., Pruvost O., Lemaire C., Jacques M-A. 2013 Evolutionary History of the Plant Pathogenic Bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis. PlosOne, 8(3):e58474
  • Rousseau C., Belin E., Bove E., Rousseau D., Fabre F., Berruyer R., Guillaumès J., Manceau C., Jacques M-A., Boureau T. 2013 High throughput quantitative phenotyping of plant resistance using chlorophyll fluorescence image analysis. Plant Methods, 9:17
  • Siamer S., Gaubert S., Boureau T., Brisset MN, Barny MA. 2013 Mutational analysis of a predicted double b-propeller domain of the DspA/E effector of Erwinia amylovora. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 342:54-61


  • Boureau T., Kerkoud M., Chhel F., Hunault G., Darrasse A., Brin C., Durand K., Hajri A., Poussier S, Manceau C., Lardeux F., Saubion F., Jacques M-A. 2012. A multiplex-PCR assay for identification of the quarantine plant pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli. Journal of Microbiological Methods, in press.
  • Hajri A, Brin C, Zhao S, David P, Feng JX, Koebnik R, Szurek B, Verdier V, Boureau T, Poussier S. 2012. Multilocus sequence analysis and type III effector repertoire mining provide new insights into the evolutionary history and virulence of Xanthomonas oryzae. Molecular Plant Pathology, 13(3):288-302. DOI: 10.1111/j.1364-3703.2011.00745.x
  • Hajri A, Pothier JF, Fischer-Le Saux M, Bonneau S, Poussier S, Boureau T, Duffy B, Manceau C, 2012. Type three effector genes distribution and sequence analysis provides new insights into pathogenicity of plant pathogenic Xanthomonas arboricola. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY , 78(2): 371-384   DOI: 10.1128/AEM.06119-11.
  • Jacques M.-A., K. Durand, G. Orgeur, S. Balidas, C. Fricot, S. Bonneau, A. Quilévéré, C. Audusseau, V. Olivier, V. Grimault, et R. Mathis, 2012. Phylogenetic analysis and polyphasic characterization of Clavibacter michiganensis strains isolated from tomato seeds reveal that non-pathogenic strains are distinct from C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis. Appl. Environ. Microbiol, 78(23):8388
  • Pieretti I., M. Royer, V. Barbe, S. Carrere, R. Koebnik, , A. Couloux, A. Darrasse, J. Gouzy, M.-A. Jacques, E. Lauber, C. Manceau, S. Mangenot, S. Poussier, B. Segurens, B. Szurek, V. Verdier, M. Arlat, D. Gabriel, P. Rott et S. Cociancich. 2012. Genomic insights into strategies used by Xanthomonas albilineans with its reduced artilleryto spread within sugarcane xylem vessels. BMC Genomics, 13:658


  • Procédé de dépistage de Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli. Publication 2970480, 20 juillet 2012.
    Inventeurs: Boureau T., Chhel F., Hunault G., Kerkoud M., Lardeux F., Manceau C., Poussier S., Saubion F.
    Créateurs: Bourgeais C., Brin C., Danilo B., Hajri A.


  • Zamani Z., M. Bahar, M.-A. Jacques, M.R. Lak and A. Akhavan. 2011. Genetic diversity of the common bacterial bligt pathogen of bean, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli, in Iran revealed by rep-PCR and PCR-RFLP analyses. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. DOI 10.1007/s11274-011-0705-7
  • Boureau T, Siamer S, Perino C, Gaubert S, Patrit O, Degrave A, Fagard M, Chevreau E, Barny MA., 2011. The HrpN effector of Erwinia amylovora, which is involved in type III translocation, contributes directly or indirectly to Callose elicitation on apple leaves. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 2011 May;24(5):577-84.
  • Mhedbi-Hajri N., A. Darrasse, S. Pigné, K. Durand, S. Fouteau, V. Barbe, C. Manceau, C. Lemaire and M.-A. Jacques. 2011. Sensing and adhesion are adaptive functions in the plant pathogenic xanthomonads. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2011, 11:67. (IF 3,70)
  • Mhedbi-Hajri N., M.-A. Jacques, and R. Koebnik. 2011. Adhesion Mechanisms of Plant-Pathogenic Xanthomonadaceae. In D. Linke, A. Goldman (eds.), Bacterial Adhesion, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 715, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-0940-9_5.3.
  • Prunet J.P., Manceau C., Laigret F., Verhaegue. 2011. Identification et caractérisation de Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis. Bactérie responsable du chancre vertical suintant sur noyer en France. Infos CTIFL. Mai 2011 N°271. 37-40.
  • Fabien Chhel, Adrien Goeffon, Frédéric Lardeux, Frédéric Saubion F., Gilles Hunault, Tristan Boureau, 2011. Experimental Approach for Bacterial Strains Characterization. European Conference On Evolutionary Computation, Turin, April 2011. In C. Pizzuti, M.D. Ritchie, and M. Giacobini (Eds.) EvoBIO 2011, LNCS 6623, pp. 135–140. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Fabien Chhel, Adrien Goëffon, Antoine Lafosse, Frédéric Lardeux, Frédéric Saubion, Gilles Hunault, Tristan Boureau, 2011. The bacterial strains characterization problem. In Proceedings of SAC'2011. pp.108~109
  • Fabien Chhel, Adrien Goëffon, Antoine Lafosse, Frederic Lardeux, Frederic Saubion, Gilles Hunault, Tristan Boureau. 2011. On Bacterial Strains Characterization. Symposium on Applied Computing ACM- SAC-TRECK 2011, Mar 21, 2011 - Mar 25, 2011, Taichung, Taiwan. 
  • Fargier E, Fischer-Le Saux M, Manceau C. 2011. A multilocus sequence analysis of Xanthomonas campestris reveals a complex structure within crucifer-attacking pathovars of this species. Syst Appl Microbiol. Apr;34(2):156-65.


  • Darrasse A., A. Darsonval, T. Boureau, M.-N. Brisset, K. Durand and M.-A. Jacques. 2010. Transmission of plant pathogenic bacteria by nonhost seeds without induction of an associated defense reaction at emergence. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 76 :6787-6796.
  • Costechareyre D., Rhouma A., Lavire C., Portier P., Chapulliot D., Bertolla F., Boubaker A., Dessaux Y. and Nesme X. (2010). Rapid and efficient identification of Agrobacterium species by recA allele analysis. Microbial Ecology 60: 862-872
  • Baker R., Candresse T., Dormannsné Simon E., Gilioli G., Grégoire J-C, Jeger M. J., Evtimova Karadjova O., Lövei G., Makowski D., Manceau C., Navajas M.,  Porta Puglia A., Rafoss T., Rossi V., Schans J., Schrader G., Urek G., Coert van Lenteren J., Vloutoglou I., Winter S. and Zlotina M. 2010. Risk assessment of Gibberella circinata for the EU territory and identification and evaluation of risk management options. EFSA Journal 2010 ; 8(6) :1620 (93 pages).
  • Baker R., Candresse T., Dormannsné Simon E., Gilioli G., Grégoire J-C, Jeger M. J., Evtimova Karadjova O., Lövei G., Makowski D., Manceau C., Navajas M.,  Porta Puglia A., Rafoss T., Rossi V., Schans J., Schrader G., Urek G., Coert van Lenteren J., Vloutoglou I., Winter S. and Zlotina M. 2010. Risk assessment of the oriental chestnut gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus for the EU territory and identification and evaluation of risk management options. EFSA Journal 2010 ; 8 (6) : 1619 (114 pages).
  • Baker R., Candresse T., Dormannsné Simon E., Gilioli G., Grégoire J-C, Jeger M. J., Evtimova Karadjova O., Lövei G., Makowski D., Manceau C., Navajas M.,  Porta Puglia A., Rafoss T., Rossi V., Schans J., Schrader G., Urek G., Coert van Lenteren J.,  Vloutoglou I., Winter S. and Zlotina M. 2010. Scientific opinion on a quantitative pathway analysis of the likelihood of Tilletia indica M. introduction into EU with importation of US wheat. EFSA Journal 2010 ; 8 (6) : 1621 (88 pages).
  • Bull CT, Manceau C, Lydon J, Kong H, Vinatzer BA, Fischer-Le Saux M. 2010. Pseudomonas cannabina pv. cannabina pv. nov., and Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis (Cintas Koike and Bull, 2000) comb. nov., are members of the emended  species Pseudomonas cannabina (ex Sutic & Dowson 1959) Gardan, Shafik, Belouin, Brosch, Grimont & Grimont 1999. Syst Appl Microbiol. 2010 Apr;33(3):105-15


  • Darsonval A., A. Darrasse, K .Durand, C. Bureau, S. Cesbron et M.-A. Jacques. 2009. Adhesion and fitness in the bean phyllosphere and transmission to seeds of Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. fuscans. Molecular Plant-Microbes Interactions 22:747-757.
  • Jacques M.-A., Luçon N. et S. Houdault. 2009. Clove-transmissibility of Pseudomonas salomonii, the causal agent of ‘Café au lait’ disease of garlic. European Journal of Plant Pathology 124:695–700.
  • Pieretti I., M. Royer, V. Barbe, S. Carrere, R. Koebnik, S. Cociancich, A. Couloux, A. Darrasse, J. Gouzy, M.-A. Jacques, E. Lauber, C. Manceau, S. Mangenot, S. Poussier, B. Segurens, B. Szurek, V. Verdier, M. Arlat et P. Rott. 2009. The complete genome sequence of Xanthomonas albilineans provides new insights into the reductive genome evolution of the xylem-limited Xanthomonadaceae. BMC Genomics 10:616.
  • Pruvost O., C. Savelon, C. Boyer, F. Chiroleu, L. Gagnevin et M.-A. Jacques. 2009. Populations of Xanthomonas citri pv. mangiferaeindicae from asymptomatic mango leaves are primarily endophytic. Microbial Ecology 58:170–178
  • Ryan RP, Koebnik R, Szurek B, Boureau T, Bernal A, Bogdanove A, Dow JM. Passing GO (gene ontology) in plant pathogen biology: a report from the Xanthomonas Genomics Conference. Cell Microbiol. 2009 Dec;11(12):1689-96.
  • Hajri A, Brin C, Hunault G, Lardeux F, Lemaire C, Manceau C, Boureau T, Poussier S. A "repertoire for repertoire" hypothesis: repertoires of type three effectors are candidate determinants of host specificity in Xanthomonas. PLoSOne. 2009 Aug 14;4(8):e6632.
  • Baker R., Candresse T., Dormannsné Simon E., Gilioli G., Grégoire J-C, Jeger M. J., Evtimova Karadjova O., Lövei G., Makowski D., Manceau C., Navajas M.,  Porta Puglia A., Rafoss T., Rossi V., Schans J., Schrader G., Urek G., Coert van Lenteren J.,  Vloutoglou I., Winter S. and Zlotina M. 2009. Evaluation of a pest risk analysis on Thaumetopoea processionea L., the oak processionary moth, prepared by the UK and extension of its scope to the EU territory. . EFSA Journal 2019 1195, 1-64.
  • Baker R., Candresse T., Dormannsné Simon E., Gilioli G., Grégoire J-C, Jeger M. J., Evtimova Karadjova O., Lövei G., Makowski D., Manceau C., Navajas M.,  Porta Puglia A., Rafoss T., Rossi V., Schans J., Schrader G., Urek G., Coert van Lenteren J., Vloutoglou I., Winter S. and Zlotina M. 2009. Mortality verification of pinewood nematode from high temperature treatment of shavings. EFSA Journal 2019 1055, 1-19.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., De Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lanteren J.C., Vloutoglou I. , 2009. EFSA Scientific Panel on Plant Health (ITA). Evaluation of pest risk assessments and risk management options prepared to justify requests for phytosanitary measures under Council Directive 2000/29/EC - Guidance of the Panel on Plant Health. Parma (ITA) : EFSA - European Food Safety Authority, 18 p. EFSA Journal, (1194).
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici L., Oude Lansink A., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lanteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2009. EFSA Scientific Panel on Plant Health (ITA). Mortality verification of pinewood nematode from high temperature treatment of shavings. Parma (ITA) : EFSA - European Food Safety Authority, 19 p.  EFSA Journal, (1055).
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lanteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2009. EFSA Scientific Panel on Plant Health (ITA). Evaluation of a pest risk analysis on Thaumetopoea processionea L., the oak processionary moth, prepared by the UK and extension of its scope to the EU territory. Parma (ITA) : EFSA - European Food Safety Authority, 64 p. EFSA Journal, (1195).
  • Baker R., Candresse T., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gilioli G., Grégoire J.C., Jeger M.J., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Makowski D., Manceau C., Navajas Navarro M., Porta Puglia A., Rafoss T., Rossi V., Schans J., Schrader G., Urek G., Van Lanteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., Winter S., Zlotina M., 2009. EFSA Scientific Panel on Plant Health (ITA). Statement on the dossier for a derogation request of the US authorities concerning cold-treated strawberry plants intended for planting. Parma (ITA) : EFSA - European Food Safety Authority, EFSA Journal, 7 (12), (1416).


Moyens et méthodes de détection et d’identification d’une nouvelle bactérie responsable d’affections phytosanitaires sur des plantes (courgette) et nouvelles plantes résistantes. Manceau C., Gironde S., Briand B., Lybeert H., 2009. Brevet ’invention’ n° 1000056902.


  • Darsonval A., A. Darrasse, D. Meyer, M. Demarty, K. Durand, C. Bureau, C. Manceau et M.-A. Jacques. 2008. Type III secretion system of Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. fuscans is involved in phyllosphere colonization process and in transmission to seeds of susceptible bean. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74:2669-2678.
  • Young J. M., C. Allen, T. Coutinho, T. Denny, J. Elphinstone, M. Fegan, M. Gillings, T. R. Gottwald, J. H. Graham, N. S. Iacobellis, J. D. Janse, M.-A. Jacques, M. M. Lopez, C. E. Morris, N. Parkinson, P. Prior, O. Pruvost, J. Rodrigues Neto, M. Scortichini, Y. Takikawa, and C. D. Upper. 2008. Plant Pathogenic Bacteria as Biological Weapons Real Threats? Phytopathology 98:1060-1065.
  • Marie-Anne Barny, Tristan Boureau, Alexandre Degrave, Mathilde Fagard, François Bouteau, Stéphane Gaubert, David Reboutier, Marie Noelle Brisset, 2008. Type III effectors of E. amylovora: Synergistic and antagonistic effects PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON FIRE BLIGHT  Book Series: ACTA HORTICULTURAE   Volume: 793   Pages: 215-220.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Ralstonia sp. pathogenic agent of banana blood disease considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health . EFSA Journal, 649: 1-23.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Mycosphaerella fijiensis considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 650: 1-24.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Banana bract mosaic virus considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 651:1-23.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Mycosphaerella eumusae considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 663:1-20.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Trachysphaera fructigena considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 664:1-23.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Phyllosticta musarum [Cooke] van der Aa considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 665: 1-22
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 666:1-20.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Banana streak virus (BSV) considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 667:1-24.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Fusarium oxysporum. f. sp. cubense considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 668: 1-22
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L. Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum, considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 669: 1-30.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Odoiporus longicollis considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 670: 1-14.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Nacoleia octasema considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 671: 1-15.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Erionota thrax L. considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 672: 1-23.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Ralstonia solanacearum race 2 considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 673: 1-27.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D. Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Aceria sheldoni (Ewing) considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 67: 1-14.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Brevipalpus californicus, Brevipalpus phoenicis and Brevipalpus obovatus (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) considered by France as harmful in the French overseas departments of Guadeloupe and Martinique - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 678: 1-25.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Panonychus citri considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana and Martinique - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 679: 1-17.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Prays citri considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe and Martinique - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 680: 1-22.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Prays endocarpa considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 681: 1-16.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri considered byFrance as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe and Martinique - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 682: 1-22.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Sphaeropsis tumefaciens Hedges considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe and Martinique - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 683: 1-16.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J. W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Citrus chlorotic dwarf virus considered by France as harmful in the French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 684: 1-17.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) considered by France as harmful in French overseas department of Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 685: 1-17.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Citrus yellow mosaic virus or Citrus mosaic badnavirus considered by France as harmful in the French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 686: 1-16.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) considered by France as harmful in the French overseas department of Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 687: 1-17.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink, A.; Makowski, D.; Manceau, C.; Manici, M. L.; Perdikis, D.; Porta Puglia, A.; Schans, J.; Schrader, G.; Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 701: 1- 17.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest isk assessment made by France on Parlatoria ziziphi (Lucas) considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 702: 1-16.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A., Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Ceratocystis fimbriata considered by France as harmful in French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 703: 1-21.
  • Baker R., Caffier D., Choiseul J.W., de Clercq P., Dormannsne-Simon E., Gerowitt B., Karadjova O.E., Lövei G., Oude Lansink A., Makowski D., Manceau C., Manici M.L., Perdikis D., Porta Puglia A, Schans J., Schrader G., Steffek R., Strömberg A., Tiilikkala K., Van Lenteren J.C., Vloutoglou I., 2008. Pest risk assessment made by France on Mycosphaerella citri considered by France as harmful in French overseas department of Réunion - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health. EFSA Journal, 704: 1-19.
  • Alavi SM, Sanjari S, Durand F, Brin C, Manceau C, Poussier S. 2008. Assessment of the genetic diversity of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli and Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. fuscans as a basis to identify putative pathogenicity genes and a  type III secretion system of the SPI-1 family by multiple suppression subtractive hybridizations. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2008 May;74(10):3295-301.


  • Darrasse A., C. Bureau, R. Samson, C. E. Morris et M. A. Jacques. 2007. Contamination of bean seeds by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli associated with low bacterial densities in the phyllosphere under field and greenhouse conditions. European Journal of Plant Pathology 119:203-215.
  • Gonzalez C, Szurek B, Manceau C, Mathieu T, Séré Y, Verdier V. 2007. Molecular and  pathotypic characterization of new Xanthomonas oryzae strains from West Africa. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 2007 May;20(5):534-46.
  • Alavi SM, Poussier S, Manceau C. 2007. Characterization of ISXax1, a novel insertion sequence restricted to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (variants fuscans and non-fuscans) and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2007 Mar;73(5):1678-82.


  • Portier P. Fisher-Le Saux M., Mougel C., Lerondelle C., Chapulliot D., Thioulouse J. and Nesme X. (2006). Identification of genomic species in Agrobacterium biovar1 by AFLP genomic markers. App. Env. Microb. 72(11): 7123-7131
  • Boureau T, ElMaarouf-Bouteau H, Garnier A, Brisset MN, Perino C, Pucheu I, Barny MA. DspA/E, a type III effector essential for Erwinia amylovora pathogenicity and growth in planta, induces cell death in host apple and nonhost  tobacco plants. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 2006 Jan;19(1):16-24.
  • Pujol M, Badosa E, Manceau C, Montesinos E. 2006. Assessment of the environmental fate of the biological control agent of fire blight, Pseudomonas fluorescens EPS62e, on apple by culture and real-time PCR methods. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2006 Apr;72(4):2421-7.