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  • Auvray, G., Gouron, C., Malécot, V. 2012 .Floral morphology to discriminate taxa between and within Cytisus sect. Alburnoides, sect. Spartopsis and sect. Verzinum (Genisteae, Fabaceae).Plant Systematics and Evolution,298:1827–1835
  • Ben Bâaziz K., D. Lopez, S. Bouzid, H. Cochard, J.-S. Venisse and S. Sakr 2012 .Early gene expression in the walnut tree occurring during stimulation of leaf hydraulic conductance by irradiance.Biologia Plantarum ,56(4) : 657-666
  • Ben Baaziz, K; Lopez, D; Rabot, A; Combes, D; Gousset, A; Bouzid, S; Cochard, H; Sakr, S; Venisse, JS 2012 .Light-mediated K-leaf induction and contribution of both the PIP1s and PIP2s aquaporins in five tree species: walnut (Juglans regia) case study.Tree Physiology,32:423-434
  • Bertheloot J, Andrieu B, Martre P 2012 .Light-nitrogen relationships within reproductive wheat canopy are modulated by plant modular organization.European Journal of Agronomy,42 : 11-21
  • Boedo C., S. Bénichou, R. Berruyer, S. Bersihand, A. Dongo., P. Simoneau,M.  Lecomte, M.  Briard, V. Le Clerc, et P. Poupard. 2012 .Evaluating  aggressiveness and host range of Alternaria dauci in a controlled environment..Plant Pathology,61: 63-75.
  • Boedo, C., Benichou, S., Berruyer, R., Bersihand, S., Lecomte, M., Dongo, A., Simoneau, P., Briard, M., Le Clerc, V. & Poupard, P. 2012 .Alternaria dauci shows significant variation in aggressiveness and is a pathogen on different hosts.Plant Pathology,61(1):63–75
  • Bouvier L., Bourcy M., Boulay M., Tellier M., Guérif P., Denancé C., Durel C.E., Lespinasse Y. 2012 .A new pear scab resistance gene Rvp1 from the European pear cultivar ‘Navara’ maps in a genomic region syntenic to an apple scab resistance gene cluster on linkage group 2..Tree Genetics and Genome,8:53-60
  • Bull CT, De Boer SH, Denny TP, Firrao G, Fischer-Le Saux M, Saddler GS, Scortichini M, Stead DE, Takikawa Y 2012 .LIST OF NEW NAMES OF PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIA (2008- 2010). Journal of Plant Pathology,94(1):21-27
  • Bus V.,  van de Weg W.E., Peil A., Dunemann F., Zini E., Laurens F., Blažek J., HankeV., Forsline P.L. 2012 .The role of Schmidt ‘Antonovka’ in apple scab resistance breeding.Tree Genetics and Genome,4:627-642
  • Caffier V, Le Cam B, Expert P, Tellier M, Devaux M, Giraud M, Chevalier C 2012 .A new scab-like disease on apple caused by the formerly saprotrophic fungus Venturia asperata.Plant Pathology,61: 915-924
  • Charrier A, Planchet E, Cerveau D, Gimeno-Gilles C, Verdu I, Limami AM, Lelievre E. 2012 .Overexpression of a Medicago truncatula Stress Associated Protein gene (MtSAP1) leads to nitric oxide accumulation and confers osmotic and salt stress tolerance in transgenic tobacco.Planta,236: 567-577
  • Chatelain E, Le Gall S, Hundertmark M, Leprince O, Satour P, Deligny-Penninck S, Rogniaux H, Buitink J 2012 .Temporal profiling of the heat stable proteome during late maturation of Medicago truncatula seeds identifies a restricted subset of late embryogenesis abundant proteins associated with longevity.Plant, Cell & Environment,35: 1440-1455
  • Chene, Y; Rousseau, D; Lucidarme, P; Bertheloot, J; Caffier, V; Morel, P; Belin, E; Chapeau-Blondeau, F 2012 .On the use of depth camera for 3D phenotyping of entire plants.Computer and Electronics in Agriculture,82: 122-127
  • Choubane D, Rabot A, Mortreau E, Legourrierec J, Perron T, Foucher F, Ahcène Y, Pelleschi-Travier S, Leduc N, Hamama L, Sakr S*   2012 .Photocontrol of bud burst involves Gibberellins biosynthesis in Rosa sp..J. Plant Physiology,169(13) : 1271-
  • Clotault, J., Peltier, D., Soufflet-Freslon, V., Briard, M., Geoffriau, E. 2012 .Differential selection on carotenoid biosynthesis genes as a function of gene position in the metabolic pathway: a study on the carrot and dicots.PLoS One,7: e38724
  • Clotault, J., Thuillet, A.-C., Buiron, M., De Mita, S., Couderc, M., Haussmann, B.I.G., Mariac, C., Vigouroux, Y. 2012 .Evolutionary history of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum [L.] R. Br.) and selection on flowering genes since its domestication.Molecular Biology and Evolution,29: 1199-1212
  • Cole M., Jacobs B., Chandler J.W., Renou J.P & Werr W.   2012 .Live imaging with the DORNRÖSCHEN and DORNRÖSCHEN-LIKE promoter reveals dynamic changes in cell identity at the surface of microcalli of Arabidopsis embryonic suspensions.Plant Cell Reports,Sep 26. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Cornille A, Gladieux P, Smulders MJM, Roldan-Ruiz I, Laurens F, Le Cam B, Nersesyan A, Clavel J, Olonova M, Feugey L, Gabrielyan I, Zhang XG, Tenaillon MI, Giraud T 2012 .New Insight into the History of Domesticated Apple: Secondary Contribution of the European Wild Apple to the Genome of Cultivated Varieties.Plos Genetics ,8:e1002703
  • Crespel L., Morel P., Galopin G 2012 .Architectural and genetic characterisation in Hydrangea aspera subsp. Aspera Kawakami group, H. aspera subsp sargentiana and their hybrids.Euphytica,184(3)289-301
  • Cubillos F.A., Yansouni J., Khalili H., Balzergue S., Elftieh S., Martin-Magniette M.L., Serrand Y., Lepiniec L., Baud S., Dubreucq B., Renou J.P., Camilleri C. & Loudet O. 2012 .Expression variation in connected recombinant populations of Arabidopsis thaliana highlights distinct transcriptome architectures..BMC Genomics,Mar 27;13(1):117.
  • D’Erfurth I, Le Signor C, Aubert G, Sanchez M, Vernoud V, Darchy B, Lherminier J, Bourion V, Bouteiller N, Bendahmane A, Buitink J, Prosperi JM, Thompson R, Burstin J, and Gallardo K 2012 .A role for an endosperm-localized subtilase in the control of seed size in legumes..New Phytologist,196(3):738-51
  • Davies E., Stankovic B., Vian A., Wood AJ 2012 .Review : Where has all the message gone? .Plant Science,185-186: 23-32
  • Degrave A, Moreau M, Vedel R, Taconnat L, Patrit O, Renou JP, Barny M,A, and Fagard M. 2012 .EDS1 contributes to non-host resistance of A. thaliana against E. amylovora..Molecular plant-Microbe Interaction ,25:421-430
  • Denancé N, Ranocha P, Oria N, Barlet X, Rivière MP, Yadeta KA, Hoffmann L, Perreau F, Clément G, Maia-Grondard A, van den Berg GC, Savelli B, Fournier S, Aubert Y, Pelletier S, Thomma BP,Molina A, Jouanin L, Marco Y, Goffner D. 2012 .Arabidopsis wat1 (walls are thin1)-mediated resistance to the bacterial vascular pathogen, Ralstonia solanacearum, is accompanied by cross-regulation of salicylic acid and indole metabolism.Plant Journal,in press
  • Dubois A, Carrere S, Raymond O, Pouvreau B, Cottret L, Roccia A, Onesto JP, Sakr S, Atanassova R, Baudino S, Foucher F, LeBris M, Gouzy J, Bendahmane M. 2012 .Transcriptome database resource and gene expression atlas for the rose..BMC Genomics,20;13(1):638
  • Dubois Annick, Carrere Sebastien, Raymond Olivier, Pouvreau Benjamin, Ludovic Cottret, Roccia Aymeric, Onesto Jean-Paul, Soulaiman Sakr, Atanassova Rossitza, Baudino Sylvie, Foucher Fabrice, Le Bris Manuel, Gouzy Jérôme, Bendahmane Mohammed 2012 .Transcriptome database ressource and gene expression atlas for the rose.BMC Genomics,13: 638
  • Dugé De Bernonville T., Gaucher M., Flors V., Gaillard S., Paulin J-P., Dat J.F., Brisset M-N. 2012 .T3SS dependent differential modulations of the jasmonic acid pathway in susceptible and resistant genotypes of Malus spp. challenged with Erwinia amylovora..Plant Science,188-189:1-9
  • Dutilleul C, Benhassaine-Kesri G, Demandre C, Rézé N, Launay A, Pelletier S, Renou JP, Zachowski A, Baudouin E, Guillas I. 2012 .Phytosphingosine-phosphate is a signal for AtMPK6 activation and Arabidopsis response to chilling..New Phytologist,Apr;194(1):181-91.
  • Eisenhut M., Planchais S., Cabassa C., Guivarc'h A., Justin A.M., Taconnat L., Renou J.P., Linka M., Gagneul D., Timm S., Bauwe H., Carol P. & Weber A.P. 2012 .Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO(2) levels. .Plant Journal,Nov 26. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12082.
  • Feuillet, C., Malécot, V. 2012 .Translation into French of: “Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne – what does e-publication mean for you?” by Sandra Knapp, John McNeill, Nicholas J. Turland – Translated by Christian Feuillet and Valéry Malécot: Changements des conditions requises pour la publication faits au XVIIIe Congrès International de Botanique à Melbourne – Qu’est-ce que la publication électronique représente pour vous ?.Mycokeys,2: 29-36
  • Fontaine J.X., Tercé-Laforgue T., Armengaud P., Clément G., Renou J.P., Pelletier S., Catterou M., Azzopardi M., Gibon Y., Lea P.J., Hirel B. & Dubois F 2012 .Characterization of a NADH-Dependent Glutamate Dehydrogenase Mutant of Arabidopsis Demonstrates the Key Role of this Enzyme in Root Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism.Plant Cell, 2012  Oct 9. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Freiman A., Shlizerman L., Golubowicz S., Yabloviz Z., Korchinsky R., Cohen Y., Samach A., Chevreau E., Le Roux P.M, Patocchi A., Flaishman M.A. 2012 .Development of a transgenic early flowering pear (Pyrus communis L.) genotype by RNAi silencing of PcTFL1-1 and PcTFL1-2.Planta,235:1239-1251
  • Galopin, G., Morel, P., Crespel, L., Darmet, P., Fillatre, J., Mary, L., et al 2012 .The Influence of Pruning on Morphological and Architectural Characteristics of Camellia japonica L. in a Tropical Climate.European Journal of Horticultural Science,,76(5-6), 182-187.
  • Garcia D., Garcia S., Pontier D., Marchais A., Renou J.P., Lagrange T. & Voinnet O.   2012 .Ago Hook and RNA Helicase Motifs Underpin Dual Roles for SDE3 in Antiviral Defense and Silencing of Nonconserved Intergenic Regions.Molecular Cell,Aug 29. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Gardarin A, Dürr C, Colbach N. 2012 .Modelling weed seed bank dynamics and emergence with species traits.Ecological Modelling,240, 123–138
  • Gardiner S, Norelli J, de Silva N, Fazio G, Peil A, Malnoy M, Horner M, Bowatte D, Carlisle C, Wiedow C, Wan Y, Bassett C, Baldo A, Celton J-M, Richter K, Aldwinckle H, Bus V 2012 .Putative resistance gene markers associated with quantitative trait loci for fire blight resistance in Malus ‘Robusta 5’ accessions..BMC Genetics,0.559027777777778
  • Gicquel M., Taconnat L., Renou J.P., Esnault M.A. & Cabello-Hurtado F 2012 .Kinetic transcriptomic approach revealed metabolic pathways and genotoxic-related changes implied in the Arabidopsis response to ionising radiations.Plant Science,195,P 106–119
  • Gironde S., Manceau C. 2012 .Housekeeping Gene Sequencing and Multilocus Variable-Number Tandem-Repeat Analysis To Identify Subpopulations within Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato That Correlate with Host Specificity.Applied and Environmental Microbiology,78(9):3266
  • Hajri A, Brin C, Zhao S, David P, Feng JX, Koebnik R, Szurek B, Verdier V, Boureau T, Poussier S. 2012 .Multilocus sequence analysis and type III effector repertoire mining provide new insights into the evolutionary history and virulence of Xanthomonas oryzae..Molecular Plant Pathology,13(3):288-302. DOI: 10.1111/j.1364-3703. 2011 .00745.x
  • Hajri A, Pothier JF, Fischer-Le Saux M, Bonneau S, Poussier S, Boureau T, Duffy B, Manceau C 2012 .Type three effector genes distribution and sequence analysis provides new insights into pathogenicity of plant pathogenic Xanthomonas arboricola..Applied and Environmental Microbiology,78(2): 371-384   DOI: 10.1128/AEM.06119-11.
  • Hamama L., Naouar A, Gala R. , Voisine L.,  Pierre S., Jeauffre J., Cesbron D., Leplat F., Foucher F., Dorion N. and Hibrand-Saint Oyant L. 2012 .Overexpression of RoDELLA impacts the height, branching, and flowering behaviour of Pelargonium x domesticum transgenic plants.Plant Cell Reports,31:2015–2029
  • Hamon, L., Richard, E., Richard, P., Boumaza, R., & Ferrier, J. L. 2012 .RTIL-system: a Real-Time Interactive L-system for 3D interactions with virtual plants.Virtual Reality,16(2), 151-160.
  • Hamza AA, Robene-Soustrade I, Jouen E, Lefeuvre P, Chiroleu F, Fischer-Le Saux M, Gagnevin L, Pruvost O 2012 .MultiLocus Sequence Analysis- and Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism-based characterization of xanthomonads associated with bacterial spot of tomato and pepper and their relatedness to Xanthomonas species.Systematic and Applied Microbiology,35(3):183-190
  • Hemmerling R., Evers J.B., Smolenova K., Buck-Sorlin G., Kurth W. 2012 .Extension of the GroIMP Modelling Platform to Allow Easy Specification of Differential Equations Describing Biological Processes within Plant Models.Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,accepted
  • Iwata, H., Gaston, A., Remay, A., Thouroude, T., Jeauffre, J., Kawamura, K., Hibrand-Saint Oyant, L., Araki, T., Denoyes, B. and Foucher, F. 2012 .The TFL1 homologue KSN is a regulator of continuous flowering in rose and strawberry.Plant Journal,69: 116-125.
  • Jacques M.-A., K. Durand, G. Orgeur, S. Balidas, C. Fricot, S. Bonneau, A. Quilévéré, C. Audusseau, V. Olivier, V. Grimault, et R. Mathis 2012 .Phylogenetic analysis and polyphasic characterization of Clavibacter michiganensis strains isolated from tomato seeds reveal that non-pathogenic strains are distinct from C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis. .Applied and Environmental Microbiology,78(23):8388-8402
  • Jaspard E., Macherel D., Hunault G. 2012 .Computational and statistical analyses ofamino acid usage and physico-chemical properties of the twelve late embryogenesis abundant protein classes..PLoS One,7 (5): e36968
  • Jung S, Cestaro A, Troggio M, Main D, Zheng P, Cho I, Folta K, Sosinski B, Abbott A, Celton J-M, Arús P, Shulaev V, Verde I, Morgante M, Rokhsar D, Velasco R, Sargent D 2012 .Whole genome comparisons of Fragaria, Prunus and Malus reveal different modes of evolution between Rosaceous subfamilies. .BMC Genomics,13:129
  • Junker A., Moenke G., Rutten T., Keilwagen J., Seifert M., Ngyuen T.M., Balzergue S., Renou J.P., Viehoever P., Hähnel U., Ludwig-Müller J., Altschmied L., Conrad U., Weisshaar B., & Baumlein H. 2012 .Elongation-related functions of LEAFY COTYLEDON1 during the development of Arabidopsis thaliana.Plant Journal,Mar 16. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-313X. 2012 .04999.x.
  • Kiba T, Feria-Bourrellier A-B, Lafouge F, Lezhneva L, Boutet-Mercey S, Orsel M, Bréhaut V, Miller AJ, Daniel-Vedele F, Sakakibara H, Krapp A 2012 .The Arabidopsis Nitrate Transporter NRT2.4 Plays a Double Role in Roots and Shoots of Nitrogen-Starved Plants..Plant Cell,24: 245-258
  • Le Roux P-M., Christen D., Duffy B., Tartarini S., Dondini L., Yamamoto T., Nishitani C., Terakami S., Lespinasse Y., Kellerhals M., Patocchi A. 2012 .Redefinition of the map position and validation of a major quantitaive trait locus for fire blight resistance of the pear cultivar 'Harrow Sweet' (Pyrus communis L.).Plant Breeding,131:656-664
  • Lê Van A., Gladieux P., Lemaire C., Cornille A., Giraud T., Durel C.E., Caffier V., Le Cam B. 2012 .Evolution of pathogenicity traits in the apple scab fungal pathogen in response to the domestication of its host..Evolutionnary Applications,5:694-704
  • Lechat M-M., Pouvreau J-B., Thoiron S.,  Péron T., Gauthier M., Montiel G., Véronési C., Todoroki Y., Monteau F., Macherel D., Simier P., Delavault P. 2012 .PrCYP707A1, an ABA catabolic gene, is a key component of Phelipanche ramosa seed germination in response to the strigolactone analog GR24..Journal of Experimental Botany,63 (14): 5311-5322
  • Lecomte M., Berruyer R., Hamama L., Boedo C., Hudhomme P.,  Bersihand S., Arul J.,  N’Guyen G., Gatto J., Guilet D., Richomme P., Simoneau P., Briard M., Le Clerc  V., Poupard P. 2012 .Inhibitory effects of the carrot metabolites 6-methoxymellein and falcarindiol on development of the fungal leaf blight pathogen Alternaria dauci. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 80  58-67
  • Lopez D., ,G. Bronner, N. Brunel, D. Auguin, S. Bourgerie, F. Brignolas,S. Carpin,C. Tournaire-Roux,C. Maurel,B. Fumanal,F. Martin, S. Sakr, P. Label, J.L. Julien, A. Gousset-Dupont and J.S.Venisse 2012 .Insights into Populus XIP aquaporins: evolutionary expansion, protein functionality, and environmental regulation. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63 2217-2230
  • Markakis M.N., De Cnodder T., Lewandowski M., Simon D., Boron A., Balcerowicz D., Doubbo T., Taconnat L., Renou J.P., Höfte H., Verbelen J.P. & Vissenberg K.  2012 .Identification of genes involved in the ACC-mediated control of root cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biol., Nov 7;12(1):208
  • Moreau M., Azzopardi M., Clément G., Dobrenel T., Renne C., Martin-Magniette M.L., Taconnat L., Renou J.P., Robaglia C. and Christian Meyer C. 2012 .Mutations in the Arabidopsis homolog of LST8/GβL, a partner of the Target Of Rapamycin (TOR) kinase, impair plant growth, flowering, and metabolic adaptation to long days. Plant Cell, Feb;24(2):463-81.
  • Moreau M., Degrave A., Vedel R., Bitton F., Patrit O., Renou J.P., Barny M.A. and Fagard M. 2012 .EDS1 contributes to non-host resistance of A. thaliana against E. amylovora. Molecular plant-Microbe Interaction ,Mar;25(3):421-30
  • Morel Ph., Crespel L., Galopin G., Moulia B., 2012. Effect of mechanical stimulation on the growth and branching of garden rose. Scientia Horticulturae ,135: 59-64
  • Pelzer E., Bazot M., Makowski D., Corre-Hellou G., Naudin C., Al Rifaï M., Baranger E., Bedoussac L., Biarnès V., Boucheny P., Carrouée B., Dorvillez D., Foissy D., Gaillard B., Guichard L., Mansard M.-C., Omon B., Prieur L., Yvergniaux M., Justes E. Jeuffroy M.-H. 2012 .Pea–wheat intercrops in low-input conditions combine high economic performances and low environmental impacts. European Journal of Agronomy, 40: 39-53
  • Péron T., Véronési C., Mortreau E., Pouvreau J.B., Thoiron S., Leduc N., Delavault P, Simier P. 2012 .Role of the sucrose synthase encoding PrSus1 gene in the developement of the parasitic plant Phelipanche ramosa (Pomel). Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions,
  • Petriacq P, de Bont L, Hager J, Didierlaurent L, Mauve C, Guerard F, Noctor G, Pelletier S, Renou JP, Tcherkez G, Gakiere B. 2012 .Inducible NAD overproduction in Arabidopsis alters metabolic pools and gene expression correlated with increased salicylate content and resistance to Pst-AvrRpm1. Plant Journal, May;70(4):650-65.
  • Pieretti I., M. Royer, V. Barbe, S. Carrere, R. Koebnik, , A. Couloux, A. Darrasse, J. Gouzy, M.-A. Jacques, E. Lauber, C. Manceau, S. Mangenot, S. Poussier, B. Segurens, B. Szurek, V. Verdier, M. Arlat, D. Gabriel, P. Rott et S. Cociancich. 2012 .Genomic insights into strategies used by Xanthomonas albilineans with its reduced artilleryto spread within sugarcane xylem vessels. BMC Genomics ,13:658
  • Pochon S., E. Terrasson,T.  Guillemette., B.  Iacomi-Vasilescu, S. Georgeault, M. Juchaux, R. Berruyer, I. Debeaujon, P. Simoneau, et C. Campion. 2012 .The Arabidopsis thaliana-Alternaria brassicicola pathosystem: a model interaction for investigating seed transmission of necrotrophic fungi. Plant Methods, 8: 16.
  • Puga-Freitas R., Barot S., Taconnat L., Renou J.P. & Blouin M. 2012 .Signal Molecules Mediate the Impact of the Earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa on Growth, Development and Defence of the Plant Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS One,7(12):e49504. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0049504.
  • Rabot A., Henry C., Mortreau E., Azri W., Lothier J., Hamama L., Boumaza R.,  Leduc N., Pelleschi-Travier S., Le Gourrierec J., Sakr S. 2012 .Insight Into The Role Of Sugars In Bud Burst Under Light in The Rose. Plant & Cell Physiology, 53(6):1068-82
  • Rabot, A., Henry, C., Ben Baaziz, K., Mortreau, E., Azri, W., Lothier, J., Hamama, L., Boummaza, R., Leduc, N., Pelleschi-Travier, S., Le Gourrierec, J., and Soulaiman Sakr 2012 .Insight into the Role of Sugars in Bud Burst Under Light in the Rose. Plant & Cell Physiology ,53(6):1068-82
  • Rachid-Kanouni M, Alatou D, Sakr S 2012 .Effects of high temperature on concentrations of soluble sugars and quescitol of Cork oak (Quercus suber) seedlings. Internat J of Management Sciences ans Business research,1 (6)
  • Rachid-Kanouni M, Alatou D, Sakr S 2012 .Responses of cork oak seedlings to short-term exposures to low temperatures.. American Journal of Scientific Research , ISSN 1450-223X Issue 59, pp. 28-41
  • Rachid-Kanouni M, Sakr S, Alatou D 2012 .Morphological and physiological responses of seedlings of cork oak to high temperature. International J of advanced scientific and technical research,4 (2) : 742-
  • Randoux M, Jeauffre J, Thouroude T, Vasseur F, Hamama L, Juchaux M, Sakr S, Foucher F. 2012 .Gibberellins regulate the transcription of the continuous flowering regulator, RoKSN, a rose TFL1 homologue. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63(18):6543-54
  • Randoux, M, Jeauffre, J, Thouroude, T, Vasseur, F, Hamama, L, Juchaux, M, Sakr, S, and Foucher, F. 2012 .The continuous flowering regulator, RoKSN, a TFL1 homologue, mediates inhibition of flowering by gibberellins in once-flowering roses. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68(18) : 6543-6554
  • Ren M, Venglat P, Qiu S, Feng L, Cao Y, Wang E, Xiang D, Wang J, Alexander D, Chalivendra S, Logan D, Mattoo A, Selvaraj G, Datla R 2012 .Target of Rapamycin Signaling Regulates Metabolism, Growth, and Life Span in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell ,24 (12): 4850-74
  • Schwarzländer M., Murphy M.P.,  Duchen M.R., Logan D.C., Fricker M.D., Halestrap A.P., Müller F.L., Rizzuto R., Dick T.P., Meyer A.J., Sweetlove L.J. 2012 .Mitochondrial ‘flashes’: a radical concept repHined . Trends in Cell Biology ,22 (10):503-508
  • Thevenin, J; Dubos, C; Xu, W; Le Gourrierec, J; Kelemen, Z; Charlot, F; Nogue, F; Lepiniec, L; Dubreucq, B 2012 .A new system for fast and quantitative analysis of heterologous gene expression in plants. New Phytologist, 193:504-512


  • Auvray G. & Malécot V. (2011) Revised lectotypification of Spartium scoparium L. (Genisteae, Fabaceae). Taxon 60.V.
  • Belin E, Rousseau D, Léchappé J, Langlois-Meurinne M, Dürr C (2011) Rate-distortion tradeoff to optimize high-throughput phenotyping systems. Application to X-ray images of seeds. Comp. Electron. Agric. 77:188-194.
  • Belin E, Rousseau D, Rojas-Varela J, Demilly D, Wagner MH, Cathala MH, Dürr C (2011) Thermography as a non invasive and functional imaging for monitoring seedling growth. Comp. Electron. Agric. (sous presse, doi : 10.1016/j.compag.2011.10.004.).
  • Bertheloot J, Cournède P-H, Andrieu B. (2011) NEMA : A functional-structural model of N economy within wheat culms after flowering: I.Model description. Bertheloot J, Cournède P-H, Andrieu B. (2011) Annals of Botany. 10.1093/aob/mcr119
  • Bertheloot J, Wu Q, Cournède P-H, Andrieu B. (2011) NEMA : A functional-structural model of N economy within wheat culms after flowering : II. Evaluation and sensitivity analysis. Annals of Botany. 10.1093/aob/mcr125
  • Boedo, C., Benichou, S., Berruyer, R., Bersihand, S., Lecomte, M., Dongo, A., Simoneau, P., Briard, M., Le Clerc, V., Poupard, P. (2011) Evaluating  aggressiveness and host range of Alternaria dauci in a controlled environment. Plant Pathology (sous presse).
  • Boureau T, Siamer S, Perino C, Gaubert S, Patrit O, Degrave A, Fagard M, Chevreau E, Barny MA. (2011) The HrpN effector of Erwinia amylovora, which is involved in type III translocation, contributes directly or indirectly to callose elicitation on apple leaves. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. May;24(5):577-84.
  • Bouvier L., Bourcy M., Boulay M., Tellier M., Guérif P., Denancé C., Durel C.E., Lespinasse Y. (2011) The new pear scab resistance gene /Rvp1/ from the European pear cultivar ‘Navara’ maps in a genomic region syntenic to an apple scab resistance gene cluster on linkage group 2" Tree Genetics and Genomes,
  • Brunel-Muguet S, Aubertot JN, Dürr C (2011) Simulating the impact of genetic diversity of Medicago truncatula on germination and emergence using a crop emergence model for ideotype breeding. Ann. Bot. 107:1367-1376. 
  • Bus V.G.M, Rikkerink E.H.A, Caffier V.,Durel C.E, Plummer K.M. (2011) Revision of the nomenclature of the differential host-pathogen interactions of Venturia inaequalis and Malus. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 2011. 49:19.1–19.23
  • Chevreau E., Dupuis F., Taglioni J.P., Sourice S., Cournol R., Deswartes C., Bersegeay A., Descombin J., Siegwart M., Loridon  K. (2011) Effect of ectopic expression of the eutypine detoxifying gene Vr-ERE in transgenic apple plants. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture  106 : 161-168.
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