CRB RosesPom
CRB Pome fruit and rose

CRB Pome fruit and rose (RosePom)

This Biological Resource Centre (BRC) brings together collections of apple, pear and quince trees, mainly in the field and in DNA form, and rose trees, mainly in DNA form, the roses in the field being kept by the rose gardens.

The CRB is located in Angers and is managed by the VaDiPom, ResPom and GDO teams of UMR IRHS and by the Horti EU.

Presentation of the HORTI experimental unit
Presentation of the pome fruit collection: VaDiPom team, ResPom team
Presentation of the rose genetic resources collection

Composition of the collections

  • 4,300 heritage and scientific accessions of apple trees (Malus),
  • 2,300 heritage and scientific accessions of pear (Pyrus),
  • 60 quince (Cydonia) heritage accessions,
  • 2,100 scientific rose (Rosa) accessions,
  • Several thousand additional accessions in the form of DNA only, in particular for the Rosa genus (heritage accessions conserved by rose gardens).



  • Associated networks : the BRC coordinates the national ‘Pome Fruits’ genetic resources network, is part of the national (INRAE-Cirad) working group for plant BRCs, the Plants pillar of the RARe infrastructure, the FFR (Fédération Française de la Rose) and the ECPGR (European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources) Malus/Pyrus network.
  • Certification : IBiSA
  • Certification : ISO9001-2015
  • Contact :

