Genomics of Venturia inaequalis pathogenicity.

Genomics of Venturia inaequalis pathogenicity.

The available whole sequence genome of Venturia inaequalis as well as the thousands of EST produced in the laboratory constitute real advances in the knowledge of the functional genomics of V. inaequalis.

 We have demonstrated that its genome is constituted in an isochore structure ie alternation of AT-rich regions with GC rich-region. Since isochores AT are rich in transposable elements, they are expected to generate new effectors involved in host adaptation. In the ANR Project Fungisochore, this hypothesis is currently tested by extensive research and genomic location of proteins involved in interaction with host. Corresponding genes may represent good candidates for the study of adaptive dynamics of V. inaequalis in the context of apple domestication and contemporary selection. Functional validation of these genes will be carried out by transformation of the fungus.  Evolutionary histories of such genes will permit to better understand the strategies used by a phytopathogenic fungus to infect its hosts. Neutral variation investigated until now provides a good neutral baseline for analysis of polymorphisms under selection, genome-wide polymorphisms analyses will be performed thanks to NGS (Next Generation sequencing) in order to detect genomic regions susceptible to have experienced selection during the domestication and the contemporary selection of Malus trees.

Funding: ANR Fungisochore (2010-2013) - VENSEQ Région Pays de La Loire Two PhD students Grants (INRA SPE/Région Pays de La Loire  and Conseil Général du Maine et Loire

Collab. UMR BIOGER, URGI. FUNGISEM team. International Consortium for the whole sequence of V. inaequalis genome: Agricultural Research Council SA, Plant and Food NZ, ETH CH)

See also

Here, the others researches of the team

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 08 December 2011 | By: JJ