Optima European project

Compatibility and complementarity of resistance to Alternaria dauci with mechanisms of plant defence stimulation by biocontrol (Optima European project).

As we previously showed that the metabolites involved in carrot resistance are mainly constitutively accumulated, our next questioning was to look at the complementarity between constitutive and induced mechanisms of resistance.

For this purpose, we decided to evaluate the possible interactions between bio-PPPs and varieties. In the context of the OPTIMA project, we identified different bio-PPPs1 and more specifically some PDI2 able to protect the carrot against Alternaria dauci with high efficiency but depending on the carrot genotype. Higher impact was obtained with the susceptible genotypes in terms of protection in two independent greenhouse trials. We also developed a new tool in collaboration with Respom IRHS team, i.e. a new qPDF array adapted to Carrot species (Brisset et al., 20113) dedicated to evaluate the ability of various products to stimulate plant defences. With this tool, we investigated the relative expression of 28 defence-related genes in plants treated with Bio-PPPs versus untreated plants. Some of the most promising bio-PPPs evaluated against Alternaria dauci showed a clear relationship between the expression pattern of some defence-related genes and the level of protection.

1 Bio-PPP : biocontrol products, 2 PDI : plant defense inducer ; 3 Brisset, M.N., Dugé de Bernonville, T, Gaucher M., Moussa S.A., Briard M., Le Clerc V. Koutouan C.E., 2019. DI-RV-19-0075 : extension carotte du brevet Patent n° WO/2011/161388. Brisset, M.N. et Dugé de Bernonville, T., 2011. Device for determining or studying the state of stimulation of the natural defenses of plants or portions of plants