Source metabolism

Source metabolism


Photosynthesis and photosynthates utilisation are essential steps for biomass production. While basics of photosynthetic metabolism per se are relatively well-understood, important aspects of ancillary metabolic pathways are still incompletely known, such as links between photosynthesis and nutrient assimilation (N and S), day respiration, or metabolic aspects of loading and sap composition. Our research work thus aims to determine and quantify (i) metabolic pathways involved in day respiration, (ii) the impact of photosynthetic activity on N and S assimilation via photorespiration and C1 metabolism, and (iii) metabolic composition of phloem sap and how it is controlled by photosynthetic activity. The control of photosynthesis along with water availability and how it impacts on natural isotope abundance is the topic of the International Associated Laboratory (LIA) with Graham Farquhar at the Australian National University.

Modification date: 15 December 2023 | Publication date: 17 November 2017 | By: E. Planchet