
Projet DEFI-Ondes

DEFI-Ondes project (SNCF network, Institut Pascal, INRAE of Clermont-Fd, IRHS of Angers)

The DEFI-Ondes project (DEsherbage des voies Ferroviaires par Illumination par ONDES électromagnétiques), financed by SNCF réseau and carried out by the Institut Pascal de Clermont-Fd, aims to evaluate the use of electromagnetic waves to weed railway tracks. It is positioned as an alternative to the use of chemical weedkillers.
It involves three partners: two in the field of physics (the Pascal Institute and INRAE in Clermont-Fd) and one in the field of plant biology (IRHS in Angers). The STREMHO team is particularly involved in the study of the biological effects of treatments using electromagnetic waves.