STructure and bRAnching in response to GEnotype and eNvironnEment

STRAGENE- STructure and bRAnching in response to GEnotype and eNvironnEment

In a context in which the plant is subjected to increasingly stressful conditions (decreased input of pesticides, climate change, urban environment), our research envisages to further the understanding of the abiotic environment surrounding the plant, in interaction with its genotype, on the aboveground architectural development, and in particular on branching. Aboveground architecture determines agronomic performance on both alimentary (yield, organoleptic quality) and non-alimentary (visual quality, control of urban heat islands) levels. Furthermore, architecture is closely determined by the environment and the genotype. It is thus a good lever on which to act in order to find innovative solutions in terms of plant cultivation and the production of new varieties that are able to maintain a satisfactory agronomic performance in a context marked by increasing constraints.
Photo équipe Stragène

In order achieve our research objectives, we will mobilize skills from multiple disciplines represented in our team, namely physiology, ecophysiology, genetics, and modelling. Our plant model is the rose bush, but we also work on other species according to our specific research questions. By means of a dialog among the different disciplines, we intend to gain a general understanding, at the level of the whole plant, of the physiological regulatory network by which the architecture of the plant reacts to its abiotic environment, while at the same considering genotypic variability.

The knowledge generated from our research is transferred to the socioeconomic domain in order to provide and answers to horticultural problems. Presently, we are targeting two major problem fields:

(i)                  Augment the efficiency of emerging lighting strategies (LEDs, films) under fully (vertical farming) or partly (greenhouse) controlled conditions, by achieving a better control of plant architectural development.

(ii)                Increase resilience of plants confronted with induced stress by the urban environment (outdoors), by identifying adaptative mechanisms.



Modification date: 12 June 2024 | Publication date: 13 February 2020 | By: Stragene