Lantoine F.-X.

François-Xavier Lantoine

Technician INRAE

  •    Mailing adress:

42, rue Georges Morel
49071 Beaucouzé Cedex
Building: IRHS Batiment B
Office: : 040 058
Phone : +33 (0)2 41 22 57 61
email :

  • Research Skills: 

As an INRAE technician, I am responsible for the assessment and evaluation of new apple and pear varieties and their rootstocks. The DUS tests (Distinctness, Homogeneity and Stability) are necessary in order to obtain the Plant Variety Right (PVR) and/or registration in the French and European catalogues.

To carry out these tests, I am also involved in the managing and maintaining of the apple, pear and rootstock reference collection.
These activities are done in collaboration with GEVES.

  • CV 

See also

The other members of the VaDiPom team.