Scientific valorization

Scientific valorization


  • Fanciullino A L. , Dumont D., Breniere T., Bertin N., Lugan R. How do genetics, development and drought affect polyphenols in goji? International Conference on Polyphenols, in July 2023, Nantes (France) - oral communication
  • Pierre Bouillon, Etienne Belin, Anne-Laure Fanciullino, Sylvain Hanteville, Béatrice Bonnet, Sandrine Balzergue, Frédéric Bernard, Jean-Marc Celton. Deciphering the red-flesh trait in apple by image analysis and metabolite profiling.International Conference on Polyphenols, in July 2023, Nantes (France) - oral communication


  • Pierre Bouillon1,2, Etienne Belin1, Anne-Laure Fanciullino1, Sandrine Balzergue1, Sylvain Hanteville1, Hélène Muranty1, Frédéric Bernard2, Jean-Marc Celton1. Development and comparison of phenotypic methods for color assessment in red-flesh apples. International Horticultural Congress, in August 2022, Angers (France) - oral communication
  • Cattani-Malvessi A.,  Mallegol P., Balzergue S., Hanteville S., Celton J-M. Epigenetic and physiological adaptative responses of apple seedlings to drought stress. International Horticultural Congress, in August 2022, Angers (France) - oral communication
  • Fanciullino A.L, Sinkora M., Breniere T., Conejero G., Page D., Bertin N. Improving crop sustainability and fresh and processed fruit quality through integrated analyses along the food chain. International Horticultural Congress, in August 2022, Angers (France) - oral communication
  • Breniere T., Bertin N., Fanciullino A.L. Carotenoid content in mature tomato fruits under soil water deficit: accounting the role of pre-maturing processes though carotenoid kinetics and cell microscopy. International Horticultural Congress, in August 2022, Angers (France) - oral communication
  • Sinkora M., Lanöe L., Giovinazzo R., Zuber F., Fanciullino A.L., Page D., Bertin N. Reducing water input on industrial tomatoes without affecting yield and fruit quality - a multiannual study. International Horticultural Congress, in August 2022, Angers (France) - Poster
  • Page D., Sinkora M., Giovinazzo R., Zuber F., Fanciullino A.L., Bertin N. Impact of low water and nitrogen supply on the texture and color of purees from six tomato varieties. XIV World Processing Tomato Congress, in March 2022, San Juan (Argentina) - oral communication
  • Amanda Cattani, Patricia Mallegol, Sylvain Hanteville, Skander Hatira, Beatrice Bonnet, Maryline Cournol, Sandrine Balzergue and Jean-Marc Celton. Apple trees drought adaptive response: transcriptional and epigenetic approach. INRAE Genomics, in May 2022, Orléans (France)

See also