PhD student in bioinformatics.

Andrea Bouanich

My work focuses on the evolution of Rosaceae genomes and epigenomes.


42, rue Georges Morel
CS 60057
49071 BEAUCOUZE Cedex 01

Tél. : +33 (0)2 41 22 57 21

Courriel :

General skills :

Development environment:

  • Versionning
  • FAIR data
  • Linux

Programming languages:

  • Python 3
  • Shell
  • R
  • SQL
  • Snakemake

Python statistical analysis and data visualization (seaborn, matplotlib, plotly, holoviews).

About me:

During my education, I was always attracted to science in general. I finally choose to study biology. After an internship of manipulation, I realized that the work of analysis of my results was essential. I preferred to analyze the results rather than to carry out the production of these data. I specialised in bioinformatics and biostatistics in order to extract the maximum of informations from the biological data generated.

See also

Thesis project >>>