Projet ANR-PPR-CPA SPECIFICS (2021-2026) Sustainable pest control in fabaceae-rich innovative cropping systems

The aim of SPECIFICS is to identify and evaluate various levers to allow for a transition towards pesticide-free and legume-rich farming systems by searching for new sources of resistance, incorporating more biological diversity over time (rotation) and in space (intra- and interspecific intercrops, agro-ecological infrastructures, etc.), by evaluating options for the promotion of these systems

The aim of SPECIFICS is to identify and evaluate various levers to allow for a transition towards pesticide-free and legume-rich farming systems by searching for new sources of resistance, incorporating more biological diversity over time (rotation) and in space (intra- and interspecific intercrops, agro-ecological infrastructures, etc.), by evaluating options for the promotion of these systems.
Our project combines a wide range of skills from agronomists, geneticists, pathologists, entomologists, ecologists, economists and sociologists to design varieties, cropping systems, methods of evaluation and transfer to the stakeholders, to ensure economic and agronomic sustainability of pesticide-free farming systems.
Our experiments will be based on existing experimental pesticide-free platforms, where a wide range of legume-rich cropping systems are implemented, as well as on extensive surveys and economics data processing.

Coordination: Judith Burstin, UMR Agro-écologie, Inrae, AgroSupDijon, UB, UBFC, CNRS and Stéphane Cordeau, unité agroécologie, Inrae